quinta-feira, abril 26, 2007

Fascist Cookbook: Index

In recent article for The Guardian, Naomi Wolf suggests what she calls a fascist “shopping list”, a handful of actions that every tyrant-wannabe must enforce in order to disrupt any constitutional status quo. She argues that if there is such a list - and history proves that some of the signs she indicates are indeed worrisome – probably Mr. George W. Bush is in a shopping spree. The contents of the list are the following:

1 Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

2 Create a gulag

3 Develop a thug caste

4 Set up an internal surveillance system

5 Harass citizens' groups

6 Engage in arbitrary detention and release

7 Target key individuals

8 Control the press

9 Dissent equals treason

10 Suspend the rule of law

Even though some of Wolf’s accusations may seem a little too harsh, the question remains. Not that civil liberties in United States have been slowly forfeited, that’s a fact. The point is: how fast the civil society must be threatened so it considers a threat as a real one?


Blogger Thomaz Napoleão said...

Factoides fascistoides assim jamais poderiam acontecer in Soviet Russia.

Tudo bem, havia terriveis inimigos internos (trotskistas, espiões, zinovievistas) e externos (o imperialismo burguês), a classe reprimida dos kulaks, o sistema de controle da KGB, a eliminação de qualquer grupo dos cidadãos, milhões de prisões arbitrarias, o ataque a individuos-chave, o monopolio estatal da imprensa, a liquidação de todos os opositores e a negligência permanente da lei.

Mas isso é apenas uma coincidência. In Soviet Russia, coincidence makes YOU!!

2:55 AM  

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