quarta-feira, setembro 20, 2006

Vox Populi

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pope Apologizes To Muslims

Pope Benedict has apologized for offending Muslims in a speech he gave in Germany last week. What do you think?

Old Woman

Nadine Fitzpatrick,
"Geez, I wonder what the Pope is like when he's not apologizing."

Black Man

Lyle Anderson,
"Am I the only one who's surprised the Pope had to go back seven whole centuries to find a Catholic anti-Muslim quote?"

Young Man

Jim Farrell,
Systems Analyst
"The sad part is his apology came verbatim from the medieval text, 'How To Pacify The Savage Arab.'"

(retirado do jornal The Onion)


Anonymous Anônimo said...

kkkkk... muito bom o comentário do eletricista!

6:29 PM  

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